Browse Window for the Simple Dictionaries. • Useful Shortcuts. ⌘F - takes the cursor to the Find-box; ⌘G - opens an auxiliary window to help you select a custom word-list ; ⌘L - opens the Tools window; F8 - (function key) changes the font and keyboard layout in the comment-box from foreign to native and back; Option-click (in the translation-box ) - finds all meanings of the word you've clicked on; Option-click (in the comment-box ) - finds the word you've clicked on; Option-click (in a scroll-list ) - plays the sound for the word you've clicked on. The Browse Window lets you view the contents of the dictionary. You can also attach your own comments to the words. You can distinguish two parts of the Browse Window: the left-hand and right-hand parts. • The Left-hand part. This contains two lists of words and a few other items. The Find-box at the top of the window is for finding words. Type a word or its beginning in this box and press the Return key (or you can click on the word 'Find' at the left of the Find-box). To the right of the Find-box you can see a button which usually shows a flag. You use this button to switch the find-mode, to search either for foreign words (the words in the scroll-lists), or for native words (the words in the translation-box). The word-list on the left holds the words from the entire dictionary in alphabetical order (it displays a limited number of words at a time - see the note below). The list on the right shows a custom word-list. You can set up numerous custom word-lists (groups of words). The word-list you select is presented under the pop-up menu with its name. Below the list you will find two push buttons for creating new lists or deleting the word-list that is displayed. You can add a word to a custom word-list by 'dragging' it from the list at the left to the custom list. This copies the word, it doesn't actually move it. You can also paste words from the clipboard. Note. The lists can contain only a limited number of words. You can apply your own choice of limit in the Preferences window. The limit you apply must be between 125 and 2500 words. If the number of words in the dictionary is higher than that, you can choose the set of words you want displayed in a scroll-list in one of three ways: 1. Click on the symbols '...>' or '<...' to move the scrolling area up or down. 2. Use the 'Find' feature: type the first few letters of a word in the Find-box and press the Return key (or click the word "Find" at the left of the Find-box). 3. Select the list and press a letter key (a - z) on your keyboard. The list will scroll to the first word that starts with the letter you typed. This option can be switched on/off in the Preferences window. This method will not work for custom word-lists. When a list is selected a tiny frame is drawn around it. To set up a new custom word-list press the New button at the bottom of the window. You can paste text from the clipboard to your word-list. Select the list and press ⌘ V. The text doesn't need to be formatted in any way - the program will add only those words that are in the dictionary. Note. Verbs & Nouns will use the currently selected Spelling Dictionary of V&N Lookup to determine the basic forms of the inflected words, so make sure you select the appropriate Spelling Dictionary in V&N Lookup. • The Right-hand part. This contains information about the selected word. The upper part - the translation-box - contains the translation. You can option-click any word in the translation-box to find its 'back translation'. The lower part contains the comment-box. You can type your personal notes about the selected word there. Comments are automatically saved to disk. You can use styled text in the comment-box ('Font', 'Size' and 'Style' menu items are available from the Edit menu). The bottom line contains grammar information about the selected word. Note. The fonts used for translation, and in the scroll-lists, the Find-box, etc., can be changed in the Dictionary Settings window (i.e. Native/Foreign fonts). You should not use the Edit menu to change these fonts. • Tools window. The Tools window gives you some extra possibilities. Play - select any word and click the play button. The program will present you with words one by one, starting from the selected word. If sounds or pictures are included they will be played and shown. You can make the presentation in an endless loop. You can do other work on your Mac while words are being presented (the presentation can be done in the background). In the Preferences window you can set the time interval for presenting a word. Rec. - you can record your voice, associate your recording with the selected word, and then compare it to the correct pronunciation. Clear - you can delete your voice. P.Rec - you should use this button to record the correct pronunciation of the selected word. The recording will be used for exercises. P.Clr - Removes all sounds that are associated with the selected word. Edit - Adds new words or changes existing words. Ex./L - Switches between the Browse window and the Exercises window. L.Pict - Assigns a picture to the selected word. • Abbreviations. vt - transitive verb; vi - intransitive verb; vr - reflexive verb; perf. - perfective verb; imperf. - imperfective verb. • Limitations of the unregistered version. The unregistered version of Verbs & Nouns imposes the following limitations for the Simple Dictionaries: • you can browse the first 21 words in each custom word-group; • you cannot use the Group Builder.